Biden Fact Checking Cause for Concern Media Fact Checking

Biden & BlackRock Responsible for Trump Attack?

There isn’t going to be much to this post. Just evidence of details around the event of a very near assassination of Trump. I’ve included an updated outline and then below work backwards with all the fine details…

  • President Joe Biden withdraws his candidacy for the Democrat Party and nominates Kamala Harris – July 22, 2024
  • Assassination attempt of Trump by 20 year old who was in a Blackrock commercial – July 13, 2024
  • Joe tells some high powered and very rich people, including Blackrock CEO that Trump needs to be put into the “Bull’s-eye.” – ~July 8, 2024
  • Video interview of Joe saying he would only drop out if “the Lord Alrighty” were to tell him to… and that during the debate with Trump, Joe said he “it was a bad episode.” ~July 6, 2024 1
  • Trump and Joe have a presidential debate on CNN and the media on the left and right reported that Joe failed miserably – June 27, 2024


Biden did say to put Trump in the “Bull’s-eye” and when asked, he said, “I didn’t say crosshair.” What a peculiar defense. Watch for yourself.

NY Post says, “President Biden appeared to defend saying that Democrats should put Donald Trump in a “bullseye” less than a week before the former president was shot, saying “I didn’t say crosshairs…“I was talking about ‘focus on,’” the 81-year-old president told NBC anchor Lester Holt in a Monday interview. 2

CNN says, “President Joe Biden addressed his comments made to donors about putting Donald Trump in a “bullseye,” calling the verbiage a mistake during his interview with NBC’s Lester Holt.” 3

Sometime, on or before July 8th, 2024, Biden met with BlackRock a $10 Trillion Dollar company. A week before Trump was shot.

July 8, 2024 – Fortune Magazine says, “Wall Street titans met privately to discuss President Biden, with one CEO saying the president dropping out of the race is an ‘inevitability’” – BYMARCO QUIROZ-GUTIERREZ
July 8, 2024 at 2:04 PM CDT

Which included the CEO of Blackrock, Larry Fink. (below in the article) 4

We find out this week that BlackRock actually had direct connection with the person that shot Trump. This isn’t conspiracy theory. CNN reported this among all the other media, Left or Right.

CNN reported BlackRock had a commercial with the person who shot Trump over this past weekend.


This is also fascinating:

Remember, after-all, at one time Oprah Winfrey was suggesting that Trump should consider running for president. He said he would only do it, if our country was going down-hill.
Cause for Concern

Christian Men – True Danger

MSNBC published an article on June 17, 2024 labeling right-wing Christian Men as being the “True Danger.”. Christians being labelled. Ok?!? Sounds rather ominous. They needed to receive a reprimand. Attached below:

Appears one of your writers is labelling Christians as being the “true danger.”  Is the end goal, to start a mob and start stringing up Christians again? 

“But too often, it’s right-wing Christian men who are the ones being exposed as a true danger.”

I am a Christian.  I worship a person who is Jewish, who died on the cross to free all of mankind (@irrespective of race, color or creed) of sin.  But, to receive that free gift, one has to humble themselves and repent – acknowledging that they are in fact a sinner.
Paul, who wrote a huge portion of the new testament was a murderer.  He persecuted Christians relentlessly and had them killed.  He had an encounter with Jesus and he repented.  I read the words that he wrote and I was moved.  Because he allowed Jesus to transform his life, he changed the trajectory of his life and instead of continuing his persecution of Christians, he implored people to love one another.  He invited many to join his charge to seek after Jesus in true repentance and to break off the lies of the enemy.  To change hearts and minds and to live a life for Jesus instead of living a life against God and mankind.
It (appears) Robert Morris molested a little girl.  He (seems to have) acknowledged that fact in public 30+ years ago.  Repented.  And again recently, acknowledged that fact.  He has also, many times over the years called out his own sexual impurity.  Doesn’t make him a good person.  But (I believe) he pulled the plank out of his own eye.

You may not be a believer in Jesus, but I will tell you this.  The Bible is full of moral failures, including adultery, rape, etc and they are wrong.  These moral failures are despicable.  But can someone not be redeemed?  If that’s the case, I’m screwed and SO ARE YOU.
Now your writer is calling out Christian men as being the true danger.  This is nonsense and I ask that the author of the piece write just as big of an article to apologize to Christian men for putting a target on our backs.  It’s dangerously close to a call to action.  Will only take another spark.

Cause for Concern

Christians are Misogynists?

Ever heard a woman call a Christian a misogynist because they don’t support Transgenderism or Abortion? A misogynist is someone who puts down women.

The truth of the matter is that those who support Transgenderism are saying that women are NOT UNIQUE and NOT SPECIAL, because anyone can become a woman. What is a Woman they ask??? But the response to Transgenderism is that Christians believe God’s word, that all women are created in the image and likeness of God for a unique reason and purpose. Christians exalt women. Why support the opposite of that?

Now, is this true? Listen to David speak about this:

Cause for Concern Media Fact Checking Trump Fact Checking

Ivermectin for HORSES!!! Now used by former WOKE LEFT CNN TALKING HEAD

Trump indicated that Ivermectin was a solid method to treat Covid. He was lambasted for it. Anyone who suggested it was mocked, because the far left media was told that it was a horse treatment. Chris Cuomo – once of CNN was talking with Don Lemon – also once of CNN and they were both losing their mind because people were taking Ivermectin. However today, Cuomo is literally taking Ivermectin and praising it. He was far left and woke… Today he is starting to be AWAKENED, but there is so much farther that he will have to go… But perhaps he will make the trek and drop the scales from his eyes. Just remember – many of us knew from the start that Ivermectin was useful – it was just the FAR LEFT MEDIA that was cancelling people… WHICH MEANS… People did not get the Ivermectin treatment back then and potentially died… We really need to pay attention. Below is video showing Cuomo now and back then when he was perpetuating the lies and just saying – “they were telling us Ivermectin was bad” and not taking real accountability for his lack of investigative powers. Just do your research man!!!

Babies Lives Matter – Rebrand BLM

A father is distraught. He found out his girlfriend killed their child.

If a person attacks a woman and through that attack her unborn child is killed, the person will be charged with murder. This is fact.1 Happened not that long ago in Texas and the man was charged with “capital murder for causing the death of Trena’s unborn child.” How old was this child, you might ask? 5 weeks old.

Back to the father whose girlfriend killed their child. This child was 5 months old when she had an abortion. She regrets her decision and he is heart-broken. His daughter was taken away from him. At this point, he wants to know a few things. Since the clinic paid for the abortion, what did they ultimately do with his daughter’s body? He also wants to know what she looked like when she was pulled from his girlfriend’s body. Work this one out. The baby was alive. Our laws indicate that it’s capital murder to kill a child in the womb… So what’s the question now???

Texas Penal Code §19.03 states that a person commits the offense of capital murder if the person intentionally or knowingly causes the death of an individual and the person murders an individual under 10 years of age. The Texas Penal Code further defines an individual as “a human being who is alive, including an unborn child at every stage of gestation from fertilization until birth” in §1.07(26).

Asked Questions Biden Fact Checking Cause for Concern Media Fact Checking Trump Fact Checking

January 6 – “Insurrection” Part 2

It has been stated more times than I can count by the media and Biden, that Trump led an insurrection on January 6th, 2021. You judge, but please look at the evidence this time…

The January 6th committee has said countless times that Trump did NOT order 10,000 troops to ensure an event like what happened on January 6th. This is 100% true, that Trump did not order troops to descend on Washington D.C. So now what?

Prior to January 6th, Trump “offered” 10,000 to

Chief of Staff Mark Meadows stated that Trump ordered the Secretary of Defense to make available 10,000 National Guardsmen for the City of Washington for January 6th. Acting Secretary of Defense, Mr. Miller then told Trump that the Department of Defense (DoD) was going to provide any number of Guard personnel that Washington officials requested. The then mayor of Washington D.C. on January 5th said they would not request any federal law enforcement – which would include the National Guard.

What happens now, is that the offer for these 10,000 National Guardsmen would then go to the Capitol Police. This offer was turned down by the House Sergeant-at-Arms, Paul Irving turned down the offer. His reasoning was that he was concerned by the “optics” of having National Guard present and didn’t feel that the intelligence supported it.

On CNN live, Trump mentioned that “Crazy” Nancy Pelosi (over the Capitol Police) and the Mayor both turned down his offer. “I offered them soldiers, National Guard, I offered them whatever they want and they turned me down.”

The result from the January 6th committee was, and I quote, “President Trump had authority and responsibility to direct deployment of the National Guard in the District of Columbia, but never gave any order to deploy the National Guard on January 6th or on any other day.”

And so now, for what actually happened.

According to Miller’s testimony, Trump asked during that meeting whether the District of Columbia’s mayor had requested National Guard troops for Jan. 6, the day Congress was to ratify Joe Biden’s presidential election victory.
Trump told Miller to “fill” the request, the former defense secretary testified. Miller said Trump told him: “Do whatever is necessary to protect demonstrators that were executing their constitutionally protected rights.”


What’s left out in every piece of new media is that the National Guard were actually nearby. You heard me right. The U.S. Military was deliberately restrained on January 6th from responding to the events of January 6th, because there were fears that there would be a military coup. Smoke and mirrors from the Democratic leadership, Nancy Pelosi and gang. The U.S. Military did show up that day, but only have some of the protestors and a Capitol Police officer died. Only one person was shot by the Capitol Police and that was a 5’2″ 115lb lady who used to serve our military.

Trump has offered Military troops to several states during the BLM protests and all of those were rejected as well. Trump wasn’t going to force the military to overrun cities like Washington D.C. But he offerend them all support. Seems that no Democrat wanted help from Trump even though it would have been the right thing to do and a lot of people died and a lot of business were burned down because of it. If you are going to place blame – do the right thing. Vote for Trump 2024.

Cause for Concern

Green New Deal

No write-up, no inflated speeches. Just process this…….. We strive for helping the planet, but look at what it takes to make the planet cleaner?

Sponsored by your Democrat proponents like – AOC.

Cause for Concern Media Fact Checking

January 6 – “Insurrection”

A guy recently and smugly I might add, asked me the question…

As a matter of fact, he was on to something. So, I did more research and came up with the following. Some I was already aware of, but some was new and may be of interest, whether you are left, right or center…

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called the Capitol riot on Jan. 6 a “terror attack,” which resulted in “almost 10 dead.”

That’s terrible. AOC is a progressive democrat, so she MUST be talking about how many people the Trump supporters killed, right? Right?

Here are the first two who were killed. Oh, I mean, died of heart attacks. “Stop the Steal” protesters Kevin and Benjamin – both in their 50’s. 1 Kevin a two time voter of Barack Obama, but now Trump supporter who “had a history of high blood pressure…suffered a heart attack” prior to the Capitol being breached. Benjamin was “in the area of the United States Capitol in attendance of first amendment activities” when he died, also of natural causes.

Philips, a computer programmer, died due to a “medical emergency…hypertensive atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease” which resulted in heart failure due to high blood pressure.

That’s 3 dead so far. Died of natural causes and at the moment of their death, NOT Democrats. Shall I continue? Yes, lets.

“Rosesanne Boyland, 34 was crushed by fellow rioters.” First, she was part of the crowd and not against them. Then after HUNDREDS OF REPORTS that she was crushed by the chaotic rioters like she “was dying after being trampled by the mob” it was quietly made known that she had died of “acute amphetamine intoxication” or more clearly stated, poisoned herself either unintentionally or intentionally, but the result is the same, which leads to hypertension, tachycardia, as well as other less lethal side effect. She was not pushed down, she did not die from being trampled. That’s fact. But the damage was done and people believed it, because the news said so.

Then there is Ashli Babbit a 35 year old woman, an Air Force veteran who was shot an killed by a Capitol Police officer. As you watch the video, watch how the Capitol Police step aside to let the crowd continue to “break down the door” with a wooden flag pole with a flag on it and some guys helmet. Then another Capitol police officer, in a business suit, behind the door shoots the 5’2″ and 115lb unarmed woman as she was climbing up the door. She hadn’t attacked the Capitol Police that were standing right next to the doors on the outside. There was no indication that she was a physical threat. But, again, right or wrong, she was one more stat of a dead Trump fan. NOT a democrat. 2

Now, we have 5 police officers “killed” during the Capitol attack on January 6. Remember? This was big in the news. Multiple police killed during Jan 6 Insurrection!

USCP Officer Brian Sicknick “passed away due to injuries sustained while on-duty…was injured while physically engaging with protesers. He returned to his division office and collapsed.” That’s what was reported. It was further stated that he had been struck by a fire extinguisher. But medical experts LATER determined his death was not caused by any such thing. In fact, on APRIL 19th, more than 3 months later,

District of Columbia Chief Medical Examiner Francisco J. Diaz found that Sicknick suffered two strokes nearly eight hours after being sprayed with a chemical irritant during the riot. Diaz told the Post that Sicknick died of natural causes, but “all that transpired played a role in his condition.”

That day, US. Capitol Police released a statement that read: “The USCP accepts the findings from the District of Columbia’s Office of the Chief Medical Examiner that Officer Brian Sicknick died of natural causes. This does not change the fact Officer Sicknick died in the line of duty, courageously defending Congress and the Capitol.”

Don’t want to forget that he was defending Congress. Ok. The report was that he was killed. That’s what the media reported HUNDREDS OF TIMES, but did you know he had two strokes after being sprayed with a chemical irritant? Well then it was the Trump protestors that sprayed him, right? Even as of Jan 20, 2023 NPR was reporting that Trump supporters were throwing smoke bombs and gas bombs. 3

CBS is still pushing the narrative that Sicknick was a victim of Trump supporters killing him. 4 And even though it was ruled natural causes, there were still two people sentenced to years behind bars for the attack on Sicknick. Go figure. NY Times reported that, Brian Sicknick “died the day after he was overpowered and beaten by rioters from the mob at the Capitol.” 5 They finished with, ““He returned to his division office and collapsed,” the Capitol Police said in a statement. “He was taken to a local hospital, where he succumbed to his injuries.” which turned out to be untrue. But the damage was done.

Here we see it was Capitol Police using tear gas, flashbangs, etc. It’s inciting a riot by hurting civilians just standing there. Most of which were peaceful, right? 6

So, was it Insurrectionists or was it Capitol Police that were indicated as deploying smoke/gas against Sicknick?

The Hill (left leaning) on the day of Jan. 6th wrote a piece, “Police using tear gas, smoke grenades to clear Capitol grounds ahead of curfew.”9

USCP Officer Howard, 51 who had worked there for 15 years, committed suicide three days after the event. Then DC Police Officer Jeffrey, 35 committed suicide because “he was afraid that he might die,” as reported by his wife. Two more, 6 months later, who were not there during the mob, but there after hours also committed suicide – Kyle 26 and Gunther (age unknown).

Three officers “committed suicide”? How exactly did they do that? No one seems to be talking about that. They will never tell their story of what they saw that day, will they? And what was Officer Jeffrey really afraid of? “He was afraid that he might die?” Really think about that.

Well.. There is AOCs list of people who were killed at the Insurrection. One tiny unarmed lady was shot and killed by an out of uniform Capitol Police officer and a smattering of heart attacks and suicides.

What was the Insurrection again? A bunch of people carrying flags, charged by Donald Trump to go down and “peacefully and patriotically” protest. None of them were armed. They were doused in chemical smoke while outside of the building, tear gassed and some reports of other items thrown into the crowd.

And then… we have evidence that there were many FBI and other government officials in the crowd, “INCITING VIOLENCE.”

Aside from that, Trump had asked to have the National Guard on hand, but Pelosi and the Democrats said no.

Capitol Police officers stepped aside. Opened doors for these protestors and the list goes on and on…

What’s the truth? You decide. But don’t for one minute think that the media didn’t shape your opinion and the opinion of millions in the United States to think that there was so much more going on January 6th than there was…..

You have heard so many things about Trump that are patently false. This agenda that I laid out for you here is such a clear example of what the media and Democrat darlings said, vs. what was actually the truth, in order to derail Trump from ever running for president again. However, there are too many people who rely on truth to live out their lives, rather than listening to the crap fed to them by fake news media…

I’ll end with this. During the impeachment trials, it was clear that the Democrats were skewing what Trump had said during his Jan 6th speech. Even cutting out words from Trump’s speech to make is sound like it was him inciting everyone. But in fact, it was revealed in open chambers by the House Republicans that Trump did in fact say these very clear and poignant words… “Peacefully and Patriotically make your voices heard!!!”

Snopes, known for being far left and skewing their facts is actually in full agreement that during the second impeachment trial on Feb. 9, 2021 of sitting U.S. President Donald Trump that

House Democrats did not show footage of Trump telling supporters on Jan. 6 to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”10

They cut out spots where Trump was clear with his direction and then assigned nefarious intentions of other words he said. You judge, but make it a good judgement.

Media Fact Checking Trump Fact Checking

“Trump Didn’t Pay Taxes,” so they said.

I’ve been hearing this forever. They wanted Trump’s tax returns for years. Well, Trump delivered. But before he did, he had a conversation with Hillary, which answered what they found all that time later.

Trump did pay millions in taxes. However, due to Hillary and the Dems, there are tons of loopholes that her donors get and Trump said that he uses those loopholes too. At least he is honest.

Remember this???

Biden Fact Checking Media Fact Checking Trump Fact Checking

Trump’s Tax Cuts Primarily for the Top 1%

So they say, Trump’s Tax Cuts in 2027 were 87% for the benefit of the top 1%?

I heard this the other night and I gave my typical anecdote that I had received benefit by seeing a reduction in taxes as well as some of my friends. I pointed out, we are lower-middle and at the time we were a single-income family. He continued to protest. The conversation dove back into the 80’s with Reagan and his trickle-down economics and there were all kinds of factoids presented. The one source me mentioned was, “I heard it on NPR.” To which I was exacerbated and ended the conversation because the was no fruit.

This morning, as I almost always do, I reflect in conversations that I have to evaluate my thinking. Was I right in saying something? Should I reevaluate my perspective? What are actually the facts of the matter? Was the manner in which I communicated, friendly or even useful? What was I trying to accomplish?

I recognized the guy I was speaking with and I even knew his name. Very pleasant guy and we have had random chit chat conversations in the past. Started with primarily a conversation about interest rates, with him sharing some rates his family had experienced and I with my current house which I had bought within the last year. I’m rather not pleased with interest rates and expressed the resemblance to years long gone by where rates were going up up up. At the writing of this article, in prime real estate it’s high 7’s and even 8 and up, depending on the investment. My friend then said, yeah, we won’t see interest rates low like we did only a couple years ago, for a long time, or something to that effect. But this is where I revealed all my cards in one statement… “I bet if Trump were to be elected again, he would turn the interest rates back down.”. That’s what set the trajectory of our conversation to crap.

My mistake.

Be that at it may. I am still going to go through and evaluate the conversation…

First, I should have tested the waters for political leanings, without something as inflammatory as mentioning Trump’s name. Sets people off in a weird way sometimes. Short answer to myself, be patient and don’t assume that everyone in “small-town USA” is going to support former Republican presidents. Truth be told, I am less fond of some of the former Republican presidents now, than I ever was. But ironically, I voted independent, up until Obama. Fun fact. Also, another fun fact, Trump wasn’t who I voted for in the primaries, leading up to his initial presidency.

Back to how I responded… When my friend told me that NPR was his source, I responded very poorly. I didn’t start calling him names, but I scoffed for sure. That was a big woops moment for me. I owe him an apology for that, to be sure. I did go to shake his hand, to which he looked me in the face and shook my hand as well… But it was not the way I like to end conversations at all. I screwed up.

What was I trying to accomplish? Looking back, and for some odd reason, I just assumed the man I was speaking with would find it, at the very least, mildly humorous or entertaining to suggest that Trump could turn things around with interest rates. Nope. Conversation went tilt, from then on. I will need to address at some point.

Now to the meat of the factoids my friend presented… Beginning with the tax cuts mostly benefitting the tip 1%.

CNN reports (efn_note)

 (Su_quote) Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont appeared at a CNN presidential town hall Monday night. After his first question from the audience, Sanders argued that President Donald Trump “said he’d have a tax plan to benefit the middle class, but 83% of the benefits go to the 1%.”

CNN states, (su_quote)Facts First: This isn’t true right now, but if certain tax cuts are not extended it will be the case in 2027, according to the Tax Policy Center.

2027. Ok. So, technically, Trump did Not cut taxes primarily for the rich. But let’s read more from CNN.

The tax reform passed in December 2017 included tax cuts for corporations as well as individuals – but while the benefits for business were permanent, the individual taxpayer cuts will expire by 2027. If Congress does nothing to extend them, the top 1% will at that point receive roughly 83% of the tax cut benefits, according to estimates from the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.

The same study said that for the 2018 tax year, the top 1% would receive 20.5% of the benefits from the tax cuts.

Why the 10-year timeline? That’s thanks to Senate rules that allow tax cuts to pass with fewer than 60 votes if they won’t increase the deficit in 10 years – a necessity for Republicans to get the tax reform through.

But it’s possible that a future Congress and President would vote to extend Trump’s tax cuts – even if Democrats are in charge. A vast majority of the last major round of tax cuts passed by President George W. Bush were made permanent under President Barack Obama.

Who else was talking about Trump’s Tax Cuts for the 1%?


Simple evaluation is that this was a media and Dem false talking point.

What about