
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals


Was reading up on chickens being butchered at only 47 days old in the U.S. for their meat. These are still essentially baby chickens. They are locked up in tight quarters, they are fed all day long, then they are “Live-Shackle Slaughtered,” which means they are handcuffed (feet cuffed) hung upside down, run through electrified water to stun them and then have their throat cut and then boiled. 1

Let’s process this. Once a chicken mates, it takes about 12 days to lay a fertile egg. From the time is is laid to the time it hatches in about 23 days and then these chickens are killed on average of 47 days. So, this is 82 days since the chicken mated.

This organization has brought light to a very important subject, cruelty to living organisms. Worse yet, a very young chicken and they certainly are NOT MATURE YET. Most of them never see the light of day as they are inside for a huge majority if not all of their lives. Please note, that they are accepting your money to help in the protection of animals. That’s interesting.

Chickens are largely domesticated animals. They are not classified as a reptile which is a type of animal. Nor are they a mammal which is another type of animal. Humans however are mammals.

I’d like to compare chickens to humans real quick. From the moment a woman mates, she has about 280 days until the baby sees the light of day. That is, of course, unless a planned parenthood doctor doesn’t take their forceps with a serrated edge, sometimes called a Sopher clamp, and crush the baby’s head and then sever the limbs and pull out all the pieces, lining them up, to make sure they got the whole baby out. 2

Please note, this isn’t ALL babies. Some will just use a chemical to make it impossible for the child to feed anymore because it separates from the uterine wall, so it dies of starvation. Yet others will use a vacuum and just suck the baby parts out of the woman’s body and then scrape anything left off the wall of the woman’s uterus.

Now, I will grant you, 65% of all abortions are done by the 63rd day of pregnancy. But what this also means is that 35% of abortions are done from the 64th day to the actual day of birth. But another way to look at it, is that 88% of abortions are done in the first trimester, which means by the 83rd day. 3

Quick comparison:

Chickens killed by the 82nd day and tortured up to death.

Human babies are mostly killed, 88%, before the 83rd day in an equally torturous way.

And then, here’s the kicker. Planned Parenthood was confirmed by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals to have been harvesting organs. Planned Parenthood did not deny any of the footage revealing this information as evidence in the case. 4

Politico said the “videos were manipulated.”

New York Times said the “videos were altered.”

Huffington Post said the “videos were totally manipulated… and misleadingly altered.”

However the court saw through the nonsense and hypocrisy. My question is. Do you?

I’m not saying the treatment of the chickens is bad or good. But there are sure a lot of people supporting the treatment of unborn babies. If you are one of those people who say it’s terrible that 82 day old chickens dying this way is bad, then why is an 82 day old baby less bad?


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