Appears Elizabeth Warren wants more deaths, at least at a higher rate.
Elizabeth went on a rant about how Texas has decided to limit murders at Planned Parenthood. When I say limit, I mean, that any child that has a heart beat may no longer be murdered in the womb. Why does the heart beat matter, you may ask. Isn’t that the measurement when a doctor determines that a person cannot be resuscitated and their heart has stopped? The doctor then writes down the time of death.
I decided to call her out… but then our friend Wayne T builds up a fun little strawman and then try to blow me away with his quip.
So, I thought since I put the time into answering him, that I would share my response:
@Wayne T – I suspect you don’t want facts. Just remember this statement. Black Babies Matter.
If I said only minorities get abortions, then I would mean that only minorities get abortions. However, you just decided to attempt to rewrite what I said and put your own agenda into it. AKA, your strawman attempt was weak.
As of 2020/2/25 – out of 44 million abortions, 19 million were black since 1973 – Roe vs Wade. It’s called Eugenics and it’s by design sir. Margaret Sanger believed in Eugenics – the founder of Planned Parenthood. Just read their site: She was a white supremist, spoke at a KKK rally and targeted black communities to set up abortion centers. (I took a screen capture in the article below so you can read what they have there today) 2019 – Of all abortions, 39% are white (white women are 60% of all women), 34% are black women (black women are 12.9% of all women) and 20% are hispanic women (hispanic are 18% of all women) – and 8% other (non-white)
Couple that with what Elizabeth Warren said herself, that it will disproportionately affect minorities…
So – TECHNICALLY – 61% of all women who get abortions are minorities, which wasn’t my point – but since you put together a strawman and were trying to gas-light me, I figure I can just show you the statistics.
It’s not my opinion. These are facts sir. Thank you for the challenge. You can read up on it!!!
Roe v Wade notes: All women in US – population between White/Black/Hispanic: Abortions in 2018:,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D
Clip from Planned Parenthood, should they decide to revise this later in time:
This is not in China. Not Saudi Arabia. Not in some remote forest of Africa. This is Canada. If it were one church, then we might not have much to go on, other than perhaps an accident. Two, maybe just coincidence. But when there is a rash of churches being burned down in Alberta, British Columbia and Toronto and you have someone like Harsha Walia who is the head of the B.C. Civil Liberties group tweeting things like…
Burn it all down
…there should be a cause for concern.
And others like Heidi Matthews of Harvard Law said…
Depends on whether you think there’s a right of resistance to extreme and systemic injustice
The United States is on the other side of the border of Canada. Our time is coming. When our churches start burning, will you do something about it or just do what the Jews did… on the nights of November 9th and 10th of 1938 throughout Germany? NOTHING…but watch as they burn to the ground.
Kristallnacht – Anti-Semitic rioters terrorized Jews and burned down synagogues in Germany and surrounding territories. – 1
Let’s just go down the checklist right now… of what the Woke Left hates and attacks on a regular basis… and what they say of each of these groups.
Republicans – bad people: racist, homophobic, bigots, etc. White people – oppress minorities. Men – patriarchal – oppress women. Evangelical Christians – extremists.
There are more categories of division, but this hits some of the high points.
Just walk this to the end conclusion and think about a conclusion one historical figure came to…. Adolph Hitler said that he had the answer to the “Jewish Question.” Appears Harsha has the “Christian Question” figured out. Heidi sounds like she sees it as justified. Please remember this… It will only take 5 minutes of the Toxic Woke Left to jump onboard with this and make it a reality for us in the U.S. But, don’t expect a passive audience to be in attendance.
Love God and love your neighbor as yourself – Jesus That’s our starting point…
Once you start to regard yourself as a victim, you look for a perpetrator. And the thing you look for in a perpetrator, you look for someone that it’s ok to hurt. It’s really not a good thing. – Jordan Peterson 2017 – McMaster University 1
Who are the victims today and do you fit into one of the categories of victimhood? To get to this answer, have you thought of what group or groups do you identify as being part of?
What are the most important categories that you are part of?
Your race? The nation you are from? The color of your skin? The faith system that you hold onto? How you personally identify?
Let’s break this down a bit, by giving a very basic view of Critical Race Theory or CRT. The fundamental aspect of CRT is that in all groupings, there is the oppressor and the oppressed. Here’s how it breaks down…
If there is a woman, then she is oppressed by men. Wage gap, more powerful positions, influence, and the list goes on.
If there is a person of color (someone who is not white), then they are oppressed by white people. Education, wage gap, power, influence, opportunities, racism and again – the list goes on.
If there is a person who is a homosexual, then they are oppressed by heterosexuals. Family rights, insurance issues, bigotry, and the list goes on.
If there is a Muslim, then they are oppressed by Evangelical Christians. Bigotry, racism, and the list goes on.
There are many more categories, but this should give a basic view of how each one of these categories claim victimhood. They are all being oppressed. But there is another aspect as well of CRT.
If one is a woman, person of color, who is a homosexual – then they are what are considered to be one of the most oppressed groups, because they can claim victimhood on several different fronts.
So – who is oppressing this last people group? To Jordan Peterson’s point, who will the perpetrator be? Who are they saying it is ok to hurt, so that they can assign this victim status???
Does anyone hear this answer? White. Male. Evangelical Christians.
Yes, all white people are complicit with racism… I had a Black roommate in college. I’m a minority myself. – Robin DiAngelo2
I hesitate in quoting this next statement from Robin, because context is really important and I don’t want it to come off as picking out a part of what she says to make her look bad. However, just let her words speak for herself.
I always knew that I was white. I knew that it was better to be white, and that being white is a large part of what helped me navigate poverty and classism. – Robin DiAngelo
Just process that. I have the link shared above, read it yourself.
I’m going to give you my view for a moment. I don’t recall in my lifetime ever thinking it was better to be white. In fact, when I was at school, I don’t recall for even one minute thinking that whites (white people) were better. Not even one time. When I starting thinking about college, I actually thought it might be better to be someone of a different people group who had a better chance of getting a scholarship, because school was expensive. Rather than giving you my story, how about I just show you what is on right this second. This is what I’m faced with for my children…
Segregation being abolished in 1964 was a big step in fighting racism.
Seems now that we are moving backwards in the name of progress.
One final comment… I thought it important to show how one organization could word a scholarship to exclude a people group, to label them as perpetrators and therefore establish this group as one that it ok to hurt. Thoughts?
Delicato Family Wines realizes there is an imbalance of race and diversity in the wine industry, specifically those in winemaking and we are committed to being part of a meaningful, long-lasting positive change. To that end, Delicato is launching a new Winemaker Scholarship and mentoring program. The aspiration behind the program is to encourage Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) students to join the wine industry and support them through the academic pipeline to a successful early career placement opportunity. 3
***Facebook 9/26/2022
OK, I give up! I agree that we have at least one element of systemic racism in the United States.
Because no one is going to read a complete piece on this on Facebook – OR AT ALL – I’m going to be specific to one point. Scholarships.
I started to think about the opportunities that my children were going to have, when it comes to college. Are they going to have too much privilege because of their skin color? That’s what’s being pushed all over the place, so I needed to find out if this is true or not and maybe even call it out if necessary.
Paying for college!!! One very simple method, which is the same method I essentially used when I started to look for colleges was to look for scholarships. I don’t have a trust fund or huge amounts of money just sitting around to pay for all of my children to go to college, so – what is there to offer my kids. I’m told my children are going to have some significant privilege, so let’s check that out.
I have gone to this site before ( and it seems to be pretty consistent year over year. I pulled up all of the scholarships for our children. Who are they providing huge quantities of scholarships for?
Let’s look.
African American scholarships. This is 13% of our total United States Population. – 289 scholarships. That’s not many, is it? You’d think there would be more.
What about Hispanic scholarships. A total of 18% of our total United States Population – 253 scholarships. How terrible. Shouldn’t there be more.
This is terrible. Why aren’t there more scholarships for these minority groups? It’s enough to make you mad, right? But, before we get to the disparity that is scholarships based on race, I’m going to touch on a couple other categories.
I have one boy and two girls. Figured I would look to see what was available to my boy vs. my girls. When I select scholarships by gender, there are 313 for females with $1,460,796 as total scholarships. Why are there more for female than actual race minorities? Seems a bit unfair too, doesn’t it? has gender options other than just male/female so here are those Gender options : Other and Transgender. For transgendered there are 31 for $126k and other there are 26 for $94k.
What about male scholarships. 72 scholarships, in the amount of $128k. That’s interesting. Transgender and Other dwarf those of just male. Huh. At least transgender and other are getting a larger share of scholarships than males. That’s fair, right?
I asked the question, why are there fewer scholarships for individual minority races than females? Well, the numbers are interesting. 313 total scholarships at a bit more than $1.4 million.
However – for African Americans, there are fewer scholarships than females, but the amount is over $2 million (up from 1.4 million last year). For Hispanics, there is more than $1.8 million in scholarships (which is up from $1 millions last year). That’s fair, right? I mean, half of our population is female. And women are considered minorities and we have the patriarchy that keeps women down in pay, right?
Ok. This started about systemic racism, so let’s just get to it. Now for the whites. How many scholarships are there for white people?
4. There are four scholarships for white people. $12,500. Huh. That’s absolutely fair, right? White people consist of nearly 50% of the United States population and there are 4 scholarships for white people. That is down one from last year, when they had 5 for a total of $24,000. Let that sink in.
And because it’s relevant, here are the 4 scholarships for whites:
WEN Foundation – for the Women’s energy Network – for STEM – it’s a great scholarship. May do that for the girls one day. EMPOWER – to encourage minority participation of ethnically diverse students – a laudable goal. NBCC – Military and rural scholarship for master’s-level counselling students – great concept Journalism Institute for Media Diversity scholarships – no need for more info.
There does seem to be disparity and preference of race. My girls will have a chance. I didn’t read off the scholarships for the boys, because it would just piss off both conservatives and liberals.
All amounts below are published and do not reflect multiple awards for a specific scholarship, but a simple tally of all amounts that were fixed and published as of 9/26/2022.
Didn’t hear about this last year, but it happened on May 29th, 2020 in Temple Terrace, Florida. Appears it didn’t meet the Media standards to create division in our country. Pay attention to what I’m about to say…
Cop walked up to Heba Momtaz Al-Azhari after she asked for help with something. She then reached into her bag and pulled out about a 10-12″ knife and began trying to stab him. This 21 year old woman wearing hijab is related to Muhammad Al-Azhari, an accused Muslim terrorist for his involvement with ISIS.
Alazhari became distraught after the FBI arrested her brother, Muhammed Momtaz Al-Azhari, 23, the weekend before on charges of planning a terrorist attack in Tampa Bay on behalf of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS).
Investigators said she plotted her attack in revenge. Searching through her discarded trash, investigators discovered pieces of a torn-up note, apparently written by Alazhari.
When investigators reassembled the note, it read: ‘…I want to do jihad and I must but all I see I [missing piece] do is take the kitchen [missing piece] and [missing piece] ttack the police…’ – 1
Note: Muhammad
He served three years in prison in Saudi Arabia for attempting to join the Islamic State in Syria with his father and two others, according to the criminal complaint. He returned to the U.S. in late 2018 and later moved to Tampa. – Tampa Bay Times 2
Why is this ok? This is CBS News with a video clip of a boy found wandering across the border between Mexico and Texas, so you can be sure there is no right-wing bias. It breaks my heart that children are being abandoned and dumped not only by their families, but by the bands of people they walk with. This makes me sick. A situation has been created where there are kids that were was abandoned by mom and dad some time ago, or stolen and were left to walk with some group which then abandoned him as well. This kid’s whole goal was to make it into the U.S. He’s not the only one.
Just prior to the election last year (October 21st, 2020), there were 545 children in U.S. custody where the government couldn’t seem to find their parents. The news headline said “Parents of 545 Children Separated at the Border Cannot Be Found”
It continued on to say, “A new report shows hundreds of cases in which the deported parents of migrant children who were taken from their families cannot be located.” New York Times however didn’t seem to have a source for that report.
New York Times said there were 545 kids that were separated from their families that couldn’t find their parents. No one stopped to ask why, they just said, “migrant children taken from their families.” Ever wonder why we couldn’t find the families? The answer will be evident, very quickly.
As of April 6th, 2021, kids are entering into the United States as part of groups, cartels and non-family members at a rate of 492 a day over the last month+. This surge is staggering and increasing nearly on a daily basis.
Let’s put that 492 kids over a 30 day timeframe into a number you can do something with. That’s over 14,000 children that don’t have parents in this country. Separated, not by the government – but by circumstance. The problem did exist, but now it’s out of control
As of the end of March – Over 18,000 children were in U.S. custody and the number continues to grow.
The girls, 13 and 15, assaulted Anwar with a Taser while carjacking him, which led to an accident in which he was fatally injured, police said. – ABC 7 NY
On April 2, 2021 we were reminded of Trump supporters storming the Capitol on January 6th of this year by the media. As the Washington Times put it,
Social-media mavens on the left were quick to cast blame for Friday’s U.S. Capitol attack on White nationalists and Trump supporters.
Without having the slightest clue about the ‘security incident’ at the Capitol, I’ma go ahead and call white nationalist terrorism on this one. – Television writer David Matthews tweeted[/su_quote]
[/su_quote] 1
Implications by CNN, Washington Post, LA Times, NY Time and on and on and on all to remind us of the talking point of the “Trump” mob. 2345678
Was it another White Nationalist Racist Trump Supporter like the media was fishing and/or hoping for?
Who was it that actually killed the cop, stabbed another cop and was the one responsible for crashing their car into the US Capitol barrier in the first place?
He wasn’t a White Nationalist. He also wasn’t a Radical Christian. But we do know that “the police has thus far ruled out terrorism.” 9
NOPE, sure wasn’t a White Nationalist Far-Right Wing Trump Supporter. His name was Noah Green. Please note, in 2019 Green requested that his name be changed to Noah Zaeem Muhammad in a court in Marion County, Indiana. 10 He also referred to himself as “Noah X.” 11
Noah Green was a follower of the Nation of Islam. He followed the teachings of the prophet Muhammad (saw) and that of Louis Farrakhan.
You decide what happened, with all the evidence available at your disposal..
Noah Ricardo Green (left) was shot by a US Capitol officer after Green rammed his car into two officers, murdering one of the officers (Billy Evans – Right) and then ran at the other with a knife and stabbed him after he exited the vehicle.
The person in history he would most like to meet was Malcolm X, a vocal spokesman for the Nation of Islam (NOI), a religious organization Wallace Fard Muhammad founded in the U.S. in 1930. 12 Have added this clip from the website as it may very well be removed at some point.
**If you got here – Awesome – Some fun facts – if you want some additional reading** 13
Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa kills 10 on Monday March 22, 2021. We know he wasn’t white, because the news didn’t say “white man kills 10 people.” In fact, we don’t know what color he was.
Appears CNN had another reporter on the scene to let us know what she saw. Here’s what she said…
We know that the suspect is in custody. He was injured. They have not released any details about who he was. But we did see footage of a white gentl… uh… a WHITE MAN. He was wearing shorts, no shoes, no shirt. He seemed to be bleeding down his leg. He was handcuffed.
On the very next day when she found out that it was a Muslim:
Vice-President Kamala Harris’ niece:
When she found out it was a Muslim she then tweeted:
Former ATF AGENT IN CHARGE – Jim Kavanaugh stated – before it was known that the murderer was a Muslims, “Is this just a guy copycatting the hate crime, the vicious hate crime in Atlanta?” in reference to Alissa.
You judge for yourself as to how biased or unbiased the media is.
Return to original write-up:
Unlike the killings last week where the Washington Examiner reported on CNN’s broadcast: 1
During one of his cute "reality check" segments on Thursday, CNN's John Avlon claimed — without evidence! — that "we don't yet know exactly what motivated" the suspect, 21-year-old Robert Long.
Actually, we do know. Atlanta-area law enforcement have said that Long, whose shooting spree is on camera and whose identity was alerted to authorities by his own parents, confessed to the killings and that he attributed his motive to a sex addiction that he was trying to resolve by eliminating the places he had frequented to satisfy it.
The media don't like this set of facts. Because six of the eight victims were of Asian descent, Avlon couldn't stop from trying to make it about race, thus making it about former President Trump, and thus linking it to the ever elusive "white supremacy."
It's nonsense. The irony is that Long appears to have been motivated by the very sort of religious fanaticism that the media would have previously found very interesting, especially because Long isn't a Muslim.
But yesterday we have a Muslim who killed 10 people and we just have a name and no details about race, religion, motive.
CNN and most other journalists were quick insinuate "white supremacy" last week. I have some "friend" on Facebook who immediately went to "Stop Asian Hate." Here is more from CNN last week.
And preliminary information indicates that the killings — of six Asian people and two White people — may not have been racially motivated, but instead could relate to the suspect’s claim of a potential sex addiction, Cherokee County Sheriff Frank Reynolds said at the joint news conference…
Because of the victims’ backgrounds, some public officials had raised fears before Wednesday’s police news conference that ethnicity had come into play, amid rising concerns nationwide about anti-Asian violence during the coronavirus pandemic.
But when it comes to yesterday's shooting of 10 people - NOT ONE PEEP about motive. No thoughts. NOTHING. Hypocrisy at it's best - or worst, depending on how you look at it.
“(It is) premature to draw any conclusions (about motive) at this point in time,” FBI special agent in charge Michael Schneider said. *AND* A suspect is in custody, Boulder Police Chief Maris Herold said, but authorities did not share any information on his identity, the type of weapon used or any possible motive.
On Alissa's facebook page: “Yeah if these racist islamophobic people would stop hacking my phone and let me have a normal life I probably could,” he posted in July 2019. 3
Other reference to a post on Facebook - same source:
"He shared an article rebuking Donald Trump’s stance on immigration, but also posted about his own opposition to gay marriage and abortion."
A tragic event occurred, life was lost and these are the details we have at this time. It's really a shame that most of our media is so biased against a particular race here in the United States.
These are direct quotes from one of the Executive Orders itself.
Process this…
“Section 1. Policy. Every person should be treated with respect and dignity and should be able to live without fear, no matter who they are or whom they love. Children should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will be denied access to the restroom, the locker room, or school sports.”
“In Bostock v. Clayton County, 590 U.S. ___ (2020), the Supreme Court held that Title VII’s prohibition on discrimination “because of . . . sex” covers discrimination on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation. Under Bostock‘s reasoning, laws that prohibit sex discrimination — including Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended (20 U.S.C. 1681 et seq.), the Fair Housing Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq.), and section 412 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended (8 U.S.C. 1522), along with their respective implementing regulations — prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation, so long as the laws do not contain sufficient indications to the contrary.”
Biden Promises 100 Million Covid-19 Vaccinations In First 100 Days, Warning That Trump’s Approach Would Take ‘Years’ – – December 29, 2020 1
The article went on to say “President-elect Joe Biden said Tuesday that the Trump Administration’s efforts to vaccinate millions of American people against Covid-19 are falling “far behind” what is needed to control the pandemic, pledging to invoke the Defense Production Act and launch vaccine education campaigns to accelerate the process and deliver 100 million vaccinations in his first 100 days in office.”
This would be huge. I think we need to celebrate Biden right now, because as Biden says, he clearly has a vision that Trump can’t match.
Yesterday on C-Span3, reported by the – Biden was asked, “shouldn’t you set the bar higher, that’s pretty much where we are right now?” So, the question is, if his plan of 100 million people in 100 days was a goal that was set too low.
‘When I announced it, you all said it’s not possible,’ he snapped. ‘Come on, gimme a break, man! It’s a good start.’ – President Joe Biden [enf_note][/efn_note]
As of this morning CBS News quoted the following
Fauci said another difference between the two administration’s is Mr. Biden’s commitment to honesty.2
Psaki, who served as White House communications director under President Barack Obama and as a spokesperson at the State Department, told reporters during her first briefing on Wednesday that she and Mr. Biden discussed prior to his inauguration the “importance of bringing truth and transparency back to the briefing room.”3
But this is her hypocrisy… when she was called out, that Trump had already delivered on 1 million inoculations a day! Psaki makes excuses. Trump just delivered!
According to Psaki, the Trump administration was given 36 million vaccine doses and administered a total of about 17 million shots, for a rate of fewer than 500,000 shots a day. ‘What we are proposing is to double that to about 1 million shots per day,’ she said, adding that the Biden team has been forming its plan to achieve this milestone ‘for some time.’4
Less than 500,000 shots a day. In the last month+ if you average across every day, including the first day where a few hundred were inoculated, it averages to 500,000 shots a day. As of December 23, 2020 – only 1 million had been inoculated. 5
Since then, under Trump’s administration, we got up to 1 million inoculations in one day as of last week.
Process this “As of Wednesday, nearly 29.4 million doses had been shipped to all 50 states and all U.S. territories. Of those, just 10.3 million — about 30% — had actually been used, CDC data shows.”6 What this means is that there are 19 days worth of doses to deliver left. Keep that same delivery pattern that Trump was up to and we have your 100 days – 100,000,000 inoculations. Biden’s promise. Trump’s delivery.
Even on January 20, 2021 posted the following article that was titled the following “For Biden, 100 Million Vaccinations in 100 Days Not Easy” and here is a clip of what it said – “Now, during a once-in-a-century pandemic, incoming President Joe Biden has promised to provide 100 million covid-19 vaccinations in his first 100 days in office. ‘This team will help get … at least 100 million covid vaccine shots into the arms of the American people in the first 100 days,” Biden said during a Dec. 8 news conference introducing key members of his health team.’ 7
So – GO BIDEN… Just don’t screw up what President Donald J. Trump delivered on.