I watched the video evidence and it’s clear, Trump said that. (video at bottom) There is plenty of context to tell what he’s saying. Is that the best thing to say? Nope. Is that a jerk thing to say? Yup. Did Trump say for someone to put CNN in the “Bull’s Eye” like Biden did about Trump? Nope. Yet, there are MANY people who would vote Biden in, because he acted like he had moral high-ground. Really? Biden calling a woman a “Lying Dog Faced Pony Soldier?” That’s just a ridiculous statement. 1
Trump is a Threat to Democracy
So they say…. Biden…. Harris…. NBC…. CNN…. LA Times…. NPR…. and PBS????
Donald Trump Is an Existential Threat to America and the World2
In 2016 – Time stated “PERSON OF THE YEAR – DONALD TRUMP”3
But, here’s more from many different news media. Fake media. Media who show Trump in the worst of light. Media which, when we read it, we get so mad that we can’t even breath sometimes. And – the media who stir up such hate, that people lash out.
It’s not alarmist: A second Trump term really is an extinction-level threat to democracy 4
Harris argues that Trump poses a threat to democracy in the final days of the race5
Harris paints Trump as threat to democracy as Election Day draws closer6
Harris revives message around democracy as Trump escalates rhetoric. Will it work?7
Letters to the Editor: Trump is actually a threat to democracy. It’s OK to speak the truth8
Democrats to highlight threat to democracy they say Trump poses, giving speaking roles to January 6 committee lawmakers9
Biden argues Trump remains a threat to democracy — a case his campaign thinks resonates with voters10
I hear you Steven. I agree with what Katherine said, “For me, it’s more about the media. Trump is an ass, no doubt, and an ineloquent speaker on his best day. But the outright lies….The reporting on things that he absolutely DID NOT SAY… We can’t just let that go ignored, can we?” But I don’t agree with your comment Steven, that it’s been a “small amount of media disinformation.” The media has been lying about Trump, has caused great harm to Trump and his family for the last 8 years, yet Trump wants to help America. Why is that?
Trump is not my role model and not my LORD and Savior. That would be Jesus. But God puts kings in power to either build up idols, which I believe has been the case for the last 4 years OR God puts kings in power to tear down idols, which I believe Trump will again. If anything, I would equate Trump to King David. Both couldn’t keep it in their pants, but led with a strong hand when dealing with other countries and false idols. Either way, Trump is our president again and he wants to heal out country. We need to get on-board and support him through our prayers and our actions. Peace man.
2019, Kamala said she is against Trump and his wall, saying “they aren’t jumpin’ over walls” complaining that our country shouldn’t have us pay $5 billion dollars to build the wall.
That was her position then. Biden/Harris track record since then:
Open border crisis cost to the American public to house, feed and care for the millions of people who have illegally crossed the border – and this is a conservative number.
Studies would suggest that it’s well over $400 Billion – but who’s counting right? Kamala was worried about $5 Billion for a wall.
An additional $39 Billion, according to NBC News, was spent fighting drugs coming across our borders in 2022 alone. 2 That’s just fighting fentanyl and other illegal drugs coming into our country through smugglers of which a huge portion is coming across the southern border. Over another $150 Billion for the Biden/Harris term.
Opiod overdose deaths in 2021, 2022, 2023 are over 300,000 lives of men, women and children. Between when Trump was in office to Biden, it raced up from 30 deaths per 100,000 to 40 deaths per 100,000. 25% increase the first year of Biden’s presidency. 3
Covid-19 – fortunately the pandemic is in our rear-view mirror, but the numbers are out:
Trump: 385,000 people died in the United States.
Biden: Over 800,000 people died in the United States 4
December 2021 Newsweek, which was much more left leaning then, than it is today – even seeming right leaning in many cases today wrote the following,
Joe Biden based his entire 2020 presidential campaign on the promise he would solve covid by trusting “the science.” It was all bullshit. He’s presided over more deaths, hospitalizations & cases than Trump. Yet media crushed Trump for covid, gives Biden a pass,” political commentator Clay Travis tweeted. 5
Politifact – decidedly a left leaning publication said the following in 2022:
On Dec. 2, U.S. Rep. Roger Williams, R-Austin, said in an email, “According to the latest data from John (sic) Hopkins University, the number of COVID-19 deaths recorded so far in 2021 has surpassed the total for 2020.”
We also found a Dec. 21 tweet by Williams that said,”Americans are WORSE off under this Administration than ever before,” citing “More COVID deaths under President Biden than President Trump.”
At the request of a reader, we’re fact-checking this claim: Is it true that, despite vaccine availability, more people died from COVID-19 in 2021 than in 2020? 6
Border crossings are the highest today that they have ever been. Why? Biden during the debate with Trump in 2020 stated… and I quote…
What I would do as president is several more things, because things have changed. I would in fact make sure that there is, that we immediately surge the border, all those people who are seeking asylum. They deserve to be heard. That’s who we are.
Don’t believe me? I’ve posted this before – The link -> 7 BIDEN TOLD THEM TO COME!!! However a year later, just like every politician, Biden then says
Don’t come. Don’t leave your town or city or community.8
Hypocrisy, right?
But it was too late, the damage was done… Here are the number of people caught at the border and largely deported. Until 2021, where they were largely let in and paid for by the American Public.
· 2014: Approximately 569,000 apprehensions at the southwest border
· 2015: Encounters 337,000
· 2016: Around 408,000 as migration from Central America rose again.
· 2017: Encounters dipped to 303,000, attributed to stricter border policies.
· 2018: A surge brought encounters up to 521,000
· 2019: Numbers peaked at around 851,000 as more families and unaccompanied minors crossed. (remember kids in cages that were stripped from their families? Not so, it would seem)
· 2020: Encounters 458,000 Title 42
· 2021: Numbers surged dramatically to 1.7 million, Biden tells them to come and largely due to Biden/Kamala’s easing of restrictions and Title 42 limitations.
· 2022: Encounters further increased, reaching over 2.3 million as migration pressures persisted.
· 2023: Encounters totaled about 2.4 million
Fast forward to today.
Kamala says now, well – I’m not afraid of using good ideas, in relation to continuing Trump’s wall. She says “he didn’t do much of anything” yet the evidence is to the contrary and clearly.
Kamala does not tell the truth. It’s not exaggeration. She now is changing many of her positions to follow what Trump has been saying all this time. BUT – we know she will not do anything she says when it comes to helping this country as a whole. She will spin us into new wars, she will further bankrupt this county and she will drive us into the worst amount of animosity that we have ever seen. Christians – your freedom of speech and your freedom of religion are on the ballot this time. Kamala is against Christianity. If you don’t think so… Just watch for yourself.
Trump is the only answer, because standing on your moral highground, with the idea that the independent or green party is going to help our country is just wrong. Trump is an ass. But remember, God used David. Suck up your pride and do the actual right thing.
The night of the debate between current Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Kamala Harris, was a night unlike any other. At a key moment after Kamala continued to volley “facts” at Trump and Pence, in an attempt to sway political views, Mike Pence made this incredible statement to Kamala Harris, “You’re entitled to your own opinion, you’re not entitled to your own facts.” This lit a fire for me. At that moment, I was determined to fact check both of them to ensure I wasn’t being duped, yet again by inaccurate assertions, bold exaggerations and flat out lies. And then this happened….
Kamala said, “I’m so glad we went through a little history lesson, let’s do that a little more.” She then brings up Abraham Lincoln in 1864 and stated that he was one of Trump’s political heroes and then assumed correctly that he was one of Mike Pence’s political heroes, which Pence confirmed. She continued on to say, “Abraham Lincoln was up for reelection and it was 27 days before the election, and a seat became open on the United States Supreme Court. Abraham Lincoln’s party was in charge not only of the White House, but the Senate, but HONEST ABE said ‘it’s not the right thing to do. The American people deserve to make the decision about who will be the next President of the United States, and then that person can select who will serve for a lifetime.'”1
You’re entitled to your own opinion, you’re not entitled to your own facts. – Vice President Mike Pence (spoken to Senator Kamala Harris)2
The fact that Kamala said every last word here is undisputed. But is what she said, inaccurate, an exaggeration or just a flat out lie?
What does the Media have to say about Kamala’s “history lesson”?
She could have been more honest while quoting Abe. – New York Post3
Kamala’s…little history lesson…wasn’t exactly true. – Washington Post4
I’ve never seen anything like that quote in all my 36 years of Lincoln research. – Michael Burlingame, the distinguished chair in Lincoln studies at the University of Illinois-Springfield5
I don’t think there is a definite answer… for why Lincoln waited – Stephen E Maizlish, a historian at the University of Texas-Arlington and biographer of Chase.6
Anecdotal response from historian and comedy fanatic Michael Beschloss. He makes a claim but lacks evidence.7
The fact is, Kamala Harris attributed a statement to Abraham Lincoln that is not historically recorded. Michael Beschloss suggests support for Kamala’s statement, but has followed up with no evidence. To date, what she said does not exist in any of the records attributed to Abraham Lincoln. Let me put it in another way. Lincoln did not say what Kamala said he did. Why did she do it? You’d have to ask her – I’m not going to put words into her mouth. But the result supports media statements that suggests that Trump should look bad for submitting a name for the open Supreme Court seat while he is in the last several months of this term of his presidency. Plain and simple – Mike Pence told her that she was “not entitled to your own facts” and she produced her own facts anyway and pawned those imaginary words as truth to the American public. Seems to be a common thread. Stay tuned for more of these postings…
Additional notes on this subject regarding the appointment of a Supreme Court Justice:
Senate is required to be in session for the President of the United States to nominate a Supreme Court Justice.
How are Supreme Court Justices selected? – The President nominates someone for a vacancy on the Court and the Senate votes to confirm the nominee, which requires a simple majority. In this way, both the Executive and Legislative Branches of the federal government have a voice in the composition of the Supreme Court.8
Abraham Lincoln could not actually nominate anyone until after the election… because the senate was not in session, due to the fact that it had adjourned on July 4th, 1864. John Marshall died July 6, 1864. Senate was not back in session until December 5th, 1864 9 which was after the election held on November 8, 1864.10. Kamala stated that Abraham Lincoln was waiting, “because it was the right thing to do.” Abraham had not choice as the senate was out of session. Senate let out, two days later the Chief Justice died, the election happened and then the senate went back into session. But make no mistake, the day after the senate session began, not only was the replacement for Roger Brook Taney appointed by Abraham, but also approved by the senate.
Begin Date
Adjourn Date
Dec 5, 1864
Mar 3, 1865
Dec 7, 1863
Jul 4, 1864
Mar 4, 1863
Mar 14, 1863
Session 1 was adjourned from July 4th, 1864 and Session 2 did not commence until December 5th, 1864. 11
“Honest Abe,” as Kamala put him – had already appointed 4 Supreme Court Justices during the Civil War. 12After the election, which he won the electoral vote 212-21 and 55% of the popular vote, Lincoln did appoint the 5th Supreme Court Justice who replaced Roger Taney.
One other note. In the memory of Ruth Bader Ginsburg – Trump is elected for 4 years as President of the United States, not for 3 years.
NOAH HAYNES SWAYNE, Associate Justice Born December 7, 1804; died June 8, 1884 Party — Republican Home State — Ohio Appointed By — Abraham Lincoln Replaced — John McLean Oath Taken — January 27, 1862 Resigned Office — January 24, 1881
SAMUEL FREEMAN MILLER, Associate Justice Born April 5, 1816; died October 13, 1890 Party — Republican Home State — Iowa Appointed By — Abraham Lincoln Replaced — Peter Daniel Oath Taken — July 21, 1862 Died in Office — October 13, 1890
DAVID DAVIS, Associate Justice Born March 9, 1815; died June 26, 1886 Party — Republican Home State — Illinois Appointed By — Abraham Lincoln Replaced — John Campbell Oath Taken — December 10, 1862 Resigned Office — March 4, 1877
STEPHEN JOHNSON FIELD, Associate Justice Born November 4, 1816; died April 9, 1899 Party — Democrat Home State — California Appointed By — Abraham Lincoln Oath Taken — May 20, 1863 Resigned Office — December 1, 1897
SALMON PORTLAND CHASE, Chief Justice Born January 13, 1808; died May 7, 1873 Party — Republican Home State — Ohio Appointed By — Abraham Lincoln (on December 6, 1864) Replaced — Roger Brooke Taney Oath Taken — December 15, 1864 Died in Office — May 7, 1873